Tuesday 11 June 2024

Let’s Explore the Science behind Memes and Their Influence on Consumer Behaviour!

 We are all familiar with the topic of discussion today! Some call it entertainment while others call it a marketing strategy. Understanding the science behind memes and their impact on consumer behaviour can unlock new marketing strategies for brands aiming to connect with modern audiences.

What Are Memes?

Richard Dawkins coined the term "meme" in his 1976 book "The Selfish Gene" to describe how cultural ideas propagate, similar to genes in biology. Today, memes are a staple of internet culture, thriving on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok.

What is the psychology behind memes?

Memes tap into several psychological principles that make them highly effective in capturing attention and evoking emotional responses:

  1. Relatability

Memes often reflect shared experiences, feelings, or cultural references, making them highly relatable. This relatability fosters a sense of connection and community among users with similar experiences or perspectives.

  1. Humour

Humour is a powerful psychological tool that can reduce stress, create bonds, and increase engagement. Memes leverage humour to make content more enjoyable and shareable.

  1. Surprise and Novelty

 Memes frequently incorporate unexpected twists or clever wordplay, which activates the brain's reward system. This element of surprise enhances memorability and encourages sharing.

  1. Social Proof

When people see a meme being shared widely, it signals social approval, prompting them to engage with and share the content themselves. 

Why do they reflect a major influence on a consumer’s behaviour?

Memes significantly influence consumer behaviour by shaping brand perception, purchase intent, and loyalty. They help brands build a relatable and human personality, as seen with companies like Wendy's and Netflix, making them more engaging. Memes drive higher engagement on social media through increased likes, comments, and shares, enhancing brand visibility. Their humour and relatability improve brand recall, making brands more memorable. Additionally, memes can go viral, providing extensive exposure at minimal cost, thus driving effective viral marketing.

Memes in Action

Wendy's Twitter Roasts

Wendy's has become famous for its witty and humorous Twitter roasts. By engaging with users through clever comebacks and meme-based content, Wendy's has built a strong online presence and a loyal following. This approach not only boosts engagement but also reinforces Wendy's brand personality as bold and irreverent.

Netflix's Meme Marketing

Netflix frequently uses memes to promote its shows and movies. For example, the streaming giant capitalised on the popularity of the show "Bird Box" by encouraging users to create and share "Bird Box Challenge" memes. This strategy not only increased viewership but also generated widespread buzz and engagement on social media.

Best Practices for Brands

To effectively leverage memes in marketing, brands should consider the following best practices:

  1. Stay Relevant

Use memes that are current and relevant to your target audience. Staying up-to-date with internet trends is crucial for meme success.

  1. Be Authentic

Authenticity resonates with audiences. Ensure that your memes align with your brand values and voice.

  1. Engage with Your Audience

Encourage user-generated content and interaction. Engaging with your audience can amplify the reach and impact of your memes.

  1. Monitor and Adapt

Keep track of how your memes are performing and be ready to adapt your strategy based on feedback and trends.

The science behind viral memes reveals their profound influence on consumer behaviour. By understanding the psychological principles and network dynamics that drive meme virality, brands can harness the power of memes to build personality, increase engagement, and drive brand awareness. In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, memes offer a unique and effective way to connect with consumers on a deeper, more relatable level.

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Unravelling the ‘Viral’ culture and its impact on brand awareness?

Unravelling the ‘Viral’ culture and its impact on brand awareness?

In the digital age, where attention spans are shrinking by the second, mastering the art of virality has become the holy grail of brand marketing. Going viral is the ultimate validation in the world of online culture, a phenomenon that propels content into the spotlight and companies into consumers' hearts and minds.

But what exactly is the 'viral' culture, and how is it relevant in shaping brand awareness in today's world?

At its core, 'viral' culture refers to the rapid spread of content, which is frequently fueled by social networking, user-generated memes, and cultural instances. Whether it's a quirky advertisement, an inspiring story, or a hilarious meme, viral content lights up several conversations and sparks engagement across digital platforms.

The power of virality in raising brand awareness cannot be emphasized. In an age when consumers are bombarded with content daily, separating out from the crowd is a massive challenge. Viral content, on the other hand, has the unique capacity to cut through the congestion, catching the attention of both existing followers and reaching new audiences organically.

One of the most significant advantages of this culture is its exponential reach. A single share can lead to thousands of likes, comments, and reposts, amplifying the visibility of a brand far beyond its initial audience. This effect transforms ordinary content into generating buzz and fostering a sense of community around the brand.

Moreover, virality promotes authenticity. Unlike traditional advertising, which frequently feels sales-driven, viral content is based on genuine emotion, relatability, and shareability. Brands that embrace authenticity in their marketing are more likely to engage more customers on a deeper level, forming meaningful bonds that go beyond transactional interactions.

However, while this culture's acknowledgement is indisputable, it is not without risks. In a day of cancel culture and social media scrutiny, one wrong decision can result in backlash and a ruined reputation. Brands must tread carefully, ensuring that their viral content is consistent with their values and appeals to their target demographic.


In the 'viral' culture, which marks an ideological shift in brand marketing, authenticity, innovation, and engagement are crucial. Brands may use virality to increase their visibility, amplify their message, and create long-term relationships with customers. In a digital landscape characterized by continual change and fierce competition, mastering the art of virality is more than a strategy; it is a prerequisite for brand survival in the 21st century.

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Can you ever truly keep up with the trends?

 Can you ever truly keep up with the trends?

-Genuine question by a content marketer


In this generation where trends change faster than the economy, one burning question persists for consumers and content marketers, Can you truly keep up with the trends?

So far the new upcoming age of being up to date with every minute of information around the world has taught me, that staying relevant is more important than keeping up with one or many trends. Your relevance changes the perception of your consumers and brings a thought of change in the trends.
Let’s take a look at some of the pointers that might not help you ace keeping up, but can help you stay relevant:

 1Analyse the nature of the trends

Trends are constantly rising, and falling with the tides of collective consciousness. But what fuels the emergence of trends? Regardless of their origins, trends possess an ephemeral quality, fleeting yet capable of leaving a lasting impact on our lives.

2. The Pursuit of Relevance

In an age of material overload and short attention spans, remaining relevant is critical for attracting audience engagement and preserving a competitive edge. Staying ahead of the curve typically requires a precise combination of anticipation and retaliation However, even the most methodically constructed content strategies can fail in the face of unexpected disruptions or shifts in consumer tastes.

3. Is permanency a myth?

What is popular today may be forgotten tomorrow, replaced by the next shiny object dying for our attention. Moreover, the pressure to keep up with trends can lead to burnout, as marketers find themselves perpetually scrambling to stay one step ahead. 

4. Authenticity is a gamechanger

So where does this leave us on our journey to be relevant? The solution lies not in blindly following the current trends or chasing viral sensations, but in cultivating authenticity and purpose in our content initiatives. By staying true to our values and vision, we can build trust and loyalty with our audience, fostering a sense of community.

In the fast-paced world of content marketing, the question of whether we can ever truly keep up with trends remains as relevant as ever. While trends may come and go, the pursuit of relevance is an ongoing journey, shaped by our ability to adapt and innovate. In doing so, we can transcend the passing nature of trends and create lasting value that resonates with our audience.

So, can you ever keep up with trends? Maybe not entirely. But staying authentic to your vision will keep you relevant in today’s market.



Monday 8 April 2024

Creativity is not just all that!

 'Creativity is not just all that'

( Letter from a Gen Z graduate)

Growing up I only believed creativity was designing something new, which led to my decision to pursue fashion designing. However, call it destiny or my lack of skills in designing new patterns,  I ended up pursuing a BBA.LL.B. instead. ( Because it was the only way to escape PCM)

That’s when I was introduced to the new concept of business administration, and after a two-month-long aggressive research on the career options that came with it, I chose what worked best with my passion for creativity. Many interviewers had raised the question about not moving ahead with what my degree offered and flipping on to a completely different dimension for the future. On this journey, I realised that my perspective of creativity was very much just inclined toward one profession, and there was the other side still left to discover. 
Began volunteering, working full-time and freelancing for whatever project/opportunity I could grab to learn as much as I could.

After 5 years of successfully working towards my passion, I now stand with experience in what just began as a small role in content writing to building strategies and marketing plans for different businesses. Creativity is not just all that, the more you keep diving towards achieving it, the deeper you go into finding the plethora of ways it sneaks itself into everything that we do or pursue.

I may have misjudged initially about creativity just being a source of good designers or artists, and I may not have explored enough yet, but there is one observation that keeps me going. Every time a person ends up giving up on a task due to a lack of thought or inspiration, they come up with an even better creative way to get rid of it.

So as a reader, if you think that you lack creativity, think again and recall all the times you have kept yourself up at night to just finish one task before the deadline. Trust me, that requires creativity too.

Let’s Explore the Science behind Memes and Their Influence on Consumer Behaviour!

  We are all familiar with the topic of discussion today! Some call it entertainment while others call it a marketing strategy. Understandin...